Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dr's Remedy Enriched Instant Cover

Hey guys, just another quick review for you today...the Dr's Remedy Enriched Instant Cover cream.

It's a cream that comes in Light, Medium, and Dark tones, and is meant to cover up blemishes, veins, scars, tattoos, etc from your skin.  It says it is not recommended for use on the face or on open wounds, so that is something to keep in mind if you plan on trying this product.

I decided to try it on a scar from a healing burn, on my hand.

Here is a pic of my hand before applying Enriched Instant Cover:
As you can see, the scar is much darker than my skin color is, and is unsightly.

Here is my hand after application of 2 coats of product:

As you can see, the scar is really not visible any longer, only very faintly...I think you'd have to be looking for it to see it.

Overall, I was impressed with this product, though for retail price of $40, I don't know how many people would shell out that kind of money on this, though it definitely does what it says it will.

If you'd like more information please visit Dr's Remedy at the following links:
Facebook Page. & Website.

*product provided for my review consideration


  1. Im surprisingly impressed by this! I didn't expect for it to cover so well when you were talking about it!

  2. Impressing! My mom is very mortified about heat & sunburn scaring on her cheeks and temples and have tried pretty much everything by now except this. I send her your link so she can check this out


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