Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Networked Blogs

Hey guys!  Yea, another post today but this isn't a mani or swatch.

With all this talk about Google Friend Connect being taken away soon, I wanted to offer other ways in which you all could keep up being subscribed to this blog.  I have added the bloglovin link to the right, and today I have just added the Networked Blogs option.

I think I would prefer if followers could start following via the Networked Blogs app (you don't have to cancel your GFC following, I just would like a place to keep you all when GFC goes away.

To sign up with Networked blogs you can use the widget I posted to the right column which is titled "Networked Blogs"  or by using the following link

Thank you all for being understanding and for reading my blog!!

If you have any comments or suggestions for future blogs, please always feel free to email me or leave a comment! :)


  1. I thought that GFC was staying around for Blogger blogs?

    1. Yes, but I plan to POSSIBLY move over to a wordpress blog on my own domain at some point so it can't hurt to have people on either one in case I decide to do that :)

  2. I totally understand that you would like to have us on another following option if GFC goes away. It kinda sucks though...


Thank you for commenting!

** Please refrain from posting links to your blog in the comments. If you have a blog you'd like me to check out, please email me privately from the link you can find in the sidebar. Thanks :)