Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hey guys!  Today I am sharing a splatter mani I did recently.  I really love how this came out!

Did I mention I love how this came out!?

If you haven't yet tried a splatter mani, I seriously suggest you give it a go!  It's super easy and the results are amazing! 

This is far from being a splatter tutorial, but here are a few tips I have learned along the way to make it easier:
  • Thinner straws seem to work way better for controlling where the paint goes and also to avoid huge messy splotches.  I use cocktail straws, but juice box straws or hollow coffee stirrers would work similarly.
  • If you get a lot of polish on your fingers, try dabbing some vaseline/petroleum jelly on the skin around you cuticle area.  Then if you make a mess, it will just wipe right off.  A Q-Tip is good for spreading the vaseline.
  • If your design doesn't come out exactly as you envisioned, don't worry! That's the beauty of splatter, it's so random that even "mistakes" wind up being workable!
  • Mix and match with different colors and the outcomes will sometimes really surprise you!

Good luck with your splatter endeavors!


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